This science page is dedicated to time translation symmetry breaking physics and some additional pages are located at the bottom for your scrutiny. The main feature of this page is the proof of natural perpetual motion, which main stream physics and engineering currently promote as impossible, (this is why the NFT featuring the perpetual motion proof is called the do IMPOSSIBLE NFT, the IMP-NFT). However, the main feature proves otherwise, and fortunately, the physics of the proof is high school level that many of you are capable of correctly assessing, and more importantly, perhaps you're also willing to shift your perspective to a new energy paradigm.
I've decided to keep the display of the science simple, as webpages of images directly exported from the pdf... this means none of the links from the pdf work. However, all the scientific information will feature as white pages to be viewed at your convenience. The links to the original pdfs including this paper will also be provided.
The "IMPOSSIBLE NFT" IMP-NFT#1 is listed on Opensea as of 19/02/2022 and can be viewed here and the pdf is here
Introduction to the main feature: the imp-nft #1
After reading the proof below, it is only natural to question how could scientists have missed such a truth? It was overlooked because energy conservation works, even for the orbital system outlined in the proof. The system is conserved at every radial point as stated by equation [2]. In general, energy conservation is a static solution that correctly captures an instantaneous measurement of the system it measures.
However, time translation symmetry (tts) violations can only be revealed over time, and as a tool for the test of tts violation the law of energy conservation is not fit for the task. One can realise this by assuming the path of the orbiting body is perfectly centred on a single focus (perfectly circular). Over time there is no radial change thus only in this case does the law of energy conservation correctly apply at all times as there are no tts violations. However, as soon as there is radial variability, then energy conservation fails as a test for tts violationis. This is because work must be done to shift the potential energy over time, and this work happens outside the confines defined by the static total conserved energy equation [2]. This truth is only revealed via a moment to moment comparison, and until now it was missed because nobody thought to look.
I have addition work investigating other tts violations, and if there were no commercial sensitivities, I would have published those too. Regardless, I hope that the published portion of my work is sufficient evidence toward a zero knowledge proof that I have tts breaking energy solutions that will generate energy as claimed in the tokenomics, because it’s true. I would like you to also note that a Bayesian statistical analysis of the current scientific consensus verses the challenge I present to it would be strongly weighted in my favour, however, most people don’t play like that. Nevertheless, there it is and if you can take emotion out of the equation, then trust the math and hodl... it will make finance work for us.
a perpetual motion proof
Additional science links
Time Translation Symmetry Breaking Axioms
The Time Translation Symmetry Breaking Axioms are fundamental to understanding tts violations. In my opinion, anybody can learn the math and understand the proofs if you are willing to spend time to do so, and I've provided a key at the end of the document to aid in reading the proofs as they were intended to be understoodview the pdf here & view webpage version here
Curiosity Science Links
Investigations of tts violation started only recently in 2012, and mistakes were made by those early pioneers... this is why the Axioms were created, to set the foundation of tts breaking physics on firm foundations.A pdf demonstrating such errors is found here, and the webpage version is given here.
There is a bonus comment regarding the permanence of the ArXiv science repository; i.e. apparently, papers are being removed which necessarily raise questions of trust in the system?
Our universe also violates time translation symmetry and you can read to find out how.
view the pdf here or view the webpage version here
Early Foudations of Time Translation Symmetry Breaking Physics
I have read most of the following papers numerous times, as these were the early foundations of time translation symmetry breaking physics. I am aware there have been numerous advancements since, but my own work took me in a different direction as I applied classical techniques to the quantum state. Nevertherless, the foundational papers are listed here.Ref.1 F. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 160401 (2012)
Ref.2 F. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 160402 (2012)
Ref.3 Bruno, arXiv: 1211.4124v1 (2012)
Ref.4 Z Eker et al, arXiv:1501.06585v1 (2015)
Ref.5 Marcello Carla, Am. J. Phys. Vol. 81, No. 7 (2013)
Ref.6 Tongcang Li et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 163001 (2012)
Ref.7 P. Bruno, arXiv: 1210.4792v1 (2012)
Ref.8 Tongcang Li et al, arXiv: 1212.6959 (2013)
Ref.7 is a paper I discovered may have been removed from circulation; however ref.8 is a direct reply to that paper and therefore directly reference it too. Regradless, a copy of the Ref.7 can be viewed here if you fail to find it via the arXiv repository.