Anyone who wishes to customize a ddNFT with a noun on the list schedule to adorn ordinary ddNFTs must purchase that option before the ordinary ddNFTs are finalized on the 19th March 2022 NZST (GMT +13). You will have one week to purchase the scheduled option, from the 12th to the 19th. A list will be posted on the 23rd of February so that you may perform a word check to test if your noun has been scheduled.
founders stake has been increased to 15%, which increases the built-in
value proposition to a minimum of 2820x and a maximum of 3296x given the
current supply total, see points 9, 13 in the tokenomics or in webpage version here. This represents a 7% increase to the percentage posed in the draft tokenomics.
However, it is recommended that the total supply be increased up to a factor of 10. The justifications for the change are
- sIMP-NFT can be sold at 0.01Eth making it easier for low income earners to participate.
- This increases the founders built in value proposition; i.e. the minimum built in value proposition becomes 28,204x... see point 13 in the tokenomics.
- The increased supply ensures that the expansion funding sales of sIMP-NFTs will not exceed parameters defining the value proposition.
- It creates a large pool of founders.
- In principle, there will be sufficient supply for every person in the world to own a stake of our collective financial ecosystem.
The ddNFT project has been re-imagined to give value add and decrease the floor price to make it more affordable. This has increased the potential number of tier 1 founders from 67 to 807 while generating the same energy company startup fund.