The one NFT ring to rule them all

The one NFT ring to rule them all

Our brave hero battles monsters and injustice to save us from the impending doom that freely flies in the heavens.  (while pointing a finger)... Hero says,     “Look yonder!”

“There flies the fire dragon of Mordor and we must travel to the beast's heart-fire to forge the one NFT ring to rule them all.”     “Then we must flee its hellish rage provoked by our lucid audacity to tame nature.”

We are about to flip the fellowship on its head folks.  We need to travel to mount Doom to forge the one NFT ring to rule them all and escape the pending disaster;  Introducing an NFT project with a difference

Let me ask you a question;   can a contrary revolutionary energy technology be leveraged to launch a startup energy company by utilizing all of the advantages of the decentralized blockchain, and then share 100% of the value generated to all of its NFT stakeholders?

...found at the top in the navigation bar presents an NFT project that seeks to answer this question.  The project has a number of essential components that unite to form a unique value proposition which leverages several mechanisms to generate value for all NFT holdlrs.   A draft of the tokenomics is published here(sorry, no longer available: heres tokenomics version 3).   But most importantly, the NFT project will enable energy solutions that are going to revolutionize the energy sector and empower a new future.  It is also the first part of a major offensive to deal honestly with climate change and tackle it head on.

Crypto currency, and NFTs have been around for more than 5 years and people are only now starting to talk about NFTs as something more than a flash in the pan… however, the majority of people remain skeptical or ambivalent.  Regardless, it seems optimism for NFTs is trending among tech CEOs.

In part, the optimism can be attributed to events such as Vignesh Sundaresan’s purchase of Beeple's  Opus for an insane 69 million USD, or the recent celebrity drive to own the Bored Ape Yacht Club, and the trending push toward game-incentivize NFT speculation, which leverages the large gaming community to drive interest.  NO, in my opinion these events are not the major key driving optimism, although profit is definitely a strong motivating factor.  No, builders have a vision.  The true key is the underlying promise decentralized blockchains offer the ordinary man and furthermore, the belief is gaining momentum despite the fact most people don't even know it's coming.

At the institutional level, the lesson of an over leveraged global banking system, which drove the 2008 market crash reduces to distributing the risk burden to minimize risk exposure; this is the crux of the hindsight recommendation by the IMF and even the Dodd-Frank bill seeks to minimize risk.  But Satoshi’s infamous 2008 peer to peer cash system promised more than minimized risk, and a few excited tech savvy individuals set out to build the principle system, Bitcoin.  Since then, the birth of many more decentralized projects have given rise to Ethereum, Binance Coin and Tether to name the top three.

The full promise of the blockchain technology lies in the generalization of Nick Szabo’s 2005 idea to utilize the blockchain registry to secure ownership of land assets.  

Think about that…   an indisputable record of who owns a thing!

It doesn’t sound like a big deal, right?  Yet,

ownership is the cornerstone of modern society, and visionary people like Vitalik Buterin and the Ethereum team have made great technological advances to protect the institution by leveraging trust free smart contracts and maintaining an undisputed hack-resistant distributed record of all transactions.

At the heart of the 2008 crash lay the question of ownership, and the value destroyed by the crash directly challenged and defeated all claims to contested assets. 

Poof: “up in smoke folks… it never existed boyo & you can’t prove otherwise… sorry, your account balance is zero.  Don’t worry mate, your balance is greater than mine, lol. Negative whaaa..?”


But seriously:

Admittedly, the question of a stable financial system burdened with many speculative mechanisms that put a severe computational demand on any trade-oracle is a complex problem, and these difficulties are what make crash proofing our financial system a difficult challenge.

However, what is obvious and beyond dispute is the need to complete the work to secure the institution of ownership and bring it into the 22nd century as soon as possible this century.  Web 3.0 is driving toward that future, and believe me folks, it is unstoppable… assuming we can slay the metaphorical fire dragon of Mordor

The question remains:   in terms of how Web 3.0 is deployed, what is up for grabs?

I would like to see ownership further settled and made crash-resistant wherever possible… and indeed the NFT project page and draft white paper details how I imagine it can be done.   In closing, let me paint a summary of what the NFT project proposes.  

I imagine a world where an oracle tracks and mediates all value exchanges, which simplifies to an easy, fast and effective method of direct payments for goods and services.  Everyone will be using the crypto wallets because you earn passive benefits over and above the convenient payment methods which all stores and traders will adopt to stay current.

Vast commonly owned liquidity pools hold financial resources that continually grow at some predetermined compounding rate, stands as a record of your growing wealth, and all financial yields over and above the growth rate are available for your instantaneous use.  This wealth is inflation proof and crash proof due to the liquid backing.   And I imagine a future of clean green energy, where we share in common both the use of the energy and the dividends generated.  The tokenomics is designed to realise this and much more.

Let me give you some future prediction advice: "LOOK!,   ...I’ve read the tokenomics from tip to toe, backwards and forward and upside down too; heck I even wrote the thing, and I can tell you with complete confidence that  you must buy from the ddNFT project…”  buy and hodl it to take full advantage of the tokenomics.

Why?   How? ...I hear you ask...   It allows you to double dip the founders pool, which has a built in gain (currently by tokenomics v3) greater than 3000x on future yields.  Read the tokenomics yourself to see how, or you can read the synopsis found in the "About Founder & NFT Project" link.  My only regret is, there aren’t very many tokens.  Sorry, first in first served… the law of the jungle applies.